Petr Baudiš


I am a pro­gram­mer and Compu­ter Sci­ence rese­archer, stron­gly rooted in the open source hacker culture. My focus is Arti­ficial Intel­ligence and Linux sys­tem program­ming. As another hobby, I enjoy messing with digital cir­cuits and I like the game of Go. I also like Doing Things Right™.

Blog CV


I'm the co-founder of Rossum, a London / Prague startup providing a leading solution for Cognitive Data Capture from Docu­ments using bleeding edge computer vision AI.

Before, we co-founded Ailao, a Prague AI company working on user-friendly machine learning on unstructured data like images and documents.

Rossum Ailao


My current main research focus is Information Extraction (from natural language data) and Ma­chi­ne Learn­ing. I have cre­ated the YodaQA qu­est­ion ans­wer­ing system (think IBM Watson DeepQA) and the dataset-sts framework for processing sentences with neural networks.
I am also the main author of the world-class Go playing program Pachi, and did some work in conti­nuous black­-box op­timi­za­tion.

YodaQA Go Papers (misc)


I have contributed to my fair share of open source projects; most notably, I have been wor­king on Git, ELinks and glibc. Almost all my personal pet projects are open source too. I have also conjured up a couple of web services, did not shy away from some reverse engineering and done a wide variety of consulting work.

Projects Talks


For quite a few years, I have been teaching a variety of courses (mostly related to UNIX, high performance computing and AI) at the Charles University; I also taught at the Czech Technical University.

Courses (CS) Training (CS)

Hobby Hacking

I am quite involved with the Prague hackerspace. I work on most of my hobby projects there, mostly invol­ving some hardware and micro­control­lers. Doors, robots, scientific experiment apparata, sensors, com­plex LED control, you name it!

That said, building Rossum is taking most of my energy and time nowadays.


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