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CTCP and DCC Information

A description of the CTCP and DCC protocols

This document will briefly describe the Direct Client-to-Client protocol (DCC) and the Client-To-Client Procotol (CTCP). The description of CTCP is divided in two sections, a basic and one of a more technical nature.

The DCC Protocol

This protocol was first designed to be used with the IRC client IrcII. However, it has been "adopted" by many other clients, and today almost every IRC client supports DCC.

What is DCC ?

DCC enables users to exchange information without being bound by some IRC server limitations.

DCC uses direct TCP connections between the clients taking part to carry data. There is no flood control, so packets can be sent at full speed, and there is no dependance on server links (or load imposed on them). In addition, since only the initial handshake for DCC conections is passed through the IRC network, it is impossible for Operators to monitor DCC sessions in any way.

The initial DCC negotiation

When a client (the initiator) wishes to establish a DCC session with another user, the initiating client will open a passive (listening) TCP socket bound to INADDR_ANY, port 0. Then, the client will send its details to the target client, using the CTCP command DCC. The command will be:

DCC type argument address port

type = the connection type
argument = the connection type dependant argument
address = the host address of the initiator as an interger.
port = the port or the socket on which the initiator expects
to receive the connection.

The most common DCC connection types are:

Type Purpose Argument

CHAT To carry a secure conversation The string "chat"
SEND To send a file to the receipient The filename



DCC command issued.
Create a socket, bind it to INADDR_ANY, port 0, and make it passive.

Send the recipient a DCC request via CTCP supplying the address and port of the socket. (This is ideally taken from the address of the local side of the socket which is connected to a side of the socket which is connected to a server. This is presumably the interface on the host which is closest to the rest of the net, and results in one less routing hop in the case of gateway nodes).

Continue normally until a connection is received.

On a connection:

Accept the connection.
Close the original passive socket.
Conduct transaction on the new socket.


CTCP DCC request received.

Record information on the DCC request and notify the user.

At this point, the USER should be able to abort (close) the request, or accept it. The request should be accepted with a command specifying the sender, type, and argument, or a subset of these where no ambiguity exists.

If accepted, create a TCP socket. Connect the new socket to the address and port supplied. Conduct the transaction over the socket.

Type specific details

Data sent across a CHAT connection should be sent line-by-line without any prefixes or commands. A CHAT connection ends when one party issues the DCC CLOSE command to their clients, which causes the socket to be closed and the information on the connection to be discarded.

Data is sent in packets, rather than dumped in a stream manner. This allows the DCC SEND connection to survive where an FTP connection might fail. The size of the packets is up to the client, and may be set by the user. Smaller packets result in a higher probability of survival over bad links. The recipient should acknowledge each packet by transmitting the total number of bytes received as an unsigned, 4 byte integer in network byte order. The sender should not continue to transmit until the recipient has acknowledged all data already transmitted. Additionally, the sender should not close the connection until the last byte has been acknowledged by the recipient.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Client-To-Client Protocol

The Client-To-Client Protocol is sent and interpreted by the IRC client. Therefore, CTCP does not have anything to do with the IRC server, although CTCP messages do "travel through IRC". Servers treats CTCPs just like any other PRIVMSG or NOTICE.

In CTCP, there are two forms of communication: COMMAND and REPLY. Commands will be sent like a PRIVMSG's while replies will be sent like NOTICE's.

A basic explanation

This section will give a basic idea of what happens when you send and receives CTCP's.

COMMANDS are send as follows:

PRIVMSG :\001 \001
\001 is the delimiter character:
X-DELIM ::= '\001'
See the advanced CTCP section for more info on this.

And REPLIES in this format:

NOTICE :\001 \001

The most common commands are:


Briefly, this is what each command does:

CLIENTINFO -- Display valid CTCP commands for that client.

ACTION -- when you type /me does this, it is actually sent as a CTCP message. However, unlike other CTCP commands, it does not require a REPLY, and none should be given.

DCC -- DCC is established by CTCP, however it is not conducted over CTCP. See the section on DCC for more information on this protocol.

ERRMSG -- Reply to unknown CTCP command.

FACE -- Pictographic 32x32 pixel representation of user (Macintosh clients only)

FINGER -- Shows idletime of client, usually with an e-mail address and message.

PING -- Used to measure lag, or the time it takes for information to travel between servers.

SOUND -- Causes the client(s) that receive it to play a sound file.

SOURCE -- A URL where the client/script can be obtained.

TIME -- Local time of recipient.

USERINFO -- Shows a "witty" saying set by user.

VERSION -- Replies with IRC client version.


I want to ping #darkfire:

PRIVMSG #darkfire :\001PING 966780265\001

All users on #darkfire will receive this. They could see this:

:Gizmo!dsrna@aus.silkets.dk PRIVMSG #darkfire :\001PING 966780265\001

And they would all reply with:

NOTICE Gizmo :\001PING 966780265\001

Which will be seen as:

:Skinner!sjm076@ppp-per-217.ca.com.au NOTICE Gizmo :\001PING 966780265\001

Gizmo's client would then interpret this as being a reply to a PING and process it accordingly, in this case, taking the timestamp (966780265) and subtracting it from the current timestamp.

Advanced CTCP

Although the section above explain how CTCP's are sent through the IRC server, there are more to it, which will be explained here.

Characters between client and server are 8-bit bytes (also known as octets) and can have numeric values from octal 0 up to 0377 inclusive (0 up to 255 decimal). Some characters are special.

CHARS ::= '\000' .. '\377'
NUL ::= '\000'
NL ::= '\n'
CR ::= '\r'
A line sent to a server, or received from a server (here called "low-level messages") consist or zero or more octets (except NUL, NL or CR) with either a NL or CR appended.

Low-level quoting:
As messages to and from servers can't contain NUL, NL and CR, but it still might be desirable to send ANY character (in so called "middle level messages") between clients, those three characters have to be quoted. Therefore a quote character is needed. Of course, the quote character itself has to be quoted too.

M-QUOTE ::= '\020'

(Ie a CNTRL/P).

When sending a middle-level message, if finding a character being one of NUL, NL, CR or M-QUOTE, that character is replaced by a two-character sequence according to the following table.


When receiving a low-level message and seeing a M-QUOTE, look at the next character, and replace those two according to the following table to get the corresponding middle-level message.


If the character following M-QUOTE isn't any of the listed characters, that is an error, so drop the M-QUOTE character from the message, optionally warning the user about it. Ie, a string 'x' M-QUOTE 'y' 'z' from a server dequotes into 'x 'y' 'z'.

Before low-level quoting, a message to the server (and in the opposite direction, after low-level dequoting, a message from the server) looks like


Tagged data

To send both extended data and query/reply pairs between clients, an extended data format is needed. The extended data are sent in the text part of a middle-level message (and after low-level quoting of course also in the text part of the low-level message).

To send extended data inside the text, we need some way to delimit it. This is done by starting and ending extended data with a delimiter character.

X-DELIM ::= '\001'

As both the starting and ending delimiter looks the same, every second X-DELIM is called the odd, and every second the even delimiter. The first one in a message is odd.

When having being quoted (and conversely, before having been dequoted) any number of characters of any kind except X-DELIM can be used in the extended data, i.e., inside the X-DELIM pair.

X-CHR ::= '\000' | '\002' .. '\377'

An extended message is either empty (i.e., nothing between the odd and even delimiter), has one or more non-space characters (i.e., any character but '\040') or has one or more non-space characters followed by a space followed by zero or more characters.

X-N-AS ::= '\000' | '\002' .. '\037' | '\041' .. '\377' SPC ::= '\040' X-MSG ::= | X-N-AS+ | X-N-AS+ SPC X-CHR*

The first characters up until the first SPC (or if no SPC, all of the X-MSG) is called the tag of the extended message. The tag is used to know what kind of extended data is used.

The tag can be any string of characters, and if they happen to be letters, they are case-sensitive, so upper- and lowercase matters.

Extended data is only valid in PRIVMSG and NOTICE commands. If the extended data is a reply to a query, it is sent in a NOTICE, or else it is sent in a PRIVMSG. Both PRIVMSG and NOTICE to a user and to a channel may contain extended data.

The text part of a PRIVMSG or NOTICE might contain zero or more extended messages, intermixed with zero or more chunks of non- extended data.

CTCP level quoting

In order to be able to send the delimiter X-DELIM inside an extended data message, it has to be quoted. This introduces another quote character (which should differ from the low-level quote character so it won't have to be quoted yet again).

X-QUOTE ::= '\134'

(i.e., a backslash).

When quoting on the CTCP level, only actual CTCP messages (ie extended data, queries, replies) are quoted. This enables users to actually send X-QUOTE characters at will. The following translations should be used:


When dequoting on the CTCP level, only CTCP messages are dequoted, whereby the following table is used:


If a X-QUOTE is seen with another the character following it than the ones above, that constitutes an error, and the X-QUOTE character should be dropped. For example, the CTCP-quoted string 'x' X-QUOTE 'y' 'z' becomes after dequoting the three character string 'x' 'y' 'z'.

If a X-DELIM is found outside a CTCP message, the message will contain the X-DELIM. (This should only happen with the last X-DELIM when there are an odd number of X-DELIM's in a middle-level message.

Quoting examples

If the user actor wants to query the USERINFO of user victim, and is in the middle of a conversation, the client may decide to tack on USERINFO request on a normal text message. Then the client wants to send the textmessage "Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor" and the CTCP request "USERINFO" to victim.

PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor



which after CTCP quoting become

PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor



which gets merged into

PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001

and after low-level quoting

PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\020n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001

and sent off to the server.

On victim's side, the message

:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\020n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001

arrives. This gets low-level dequoted into

:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor\001USERINFO\001

and thereafter split up into

:actor PRIVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor



After CTCP dequoting both, the message

:actor PRiVMSG victim :Say hi to Ron\n\t/actor

gets displayed, while the CTCP command


gets replied to. The reply might be

USERINFO :CS student\n\001test\001

which gets CTCP quoted into

USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a

and sent in a NOTICE as it is a reply:

NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a\001

and low-level quoted into

NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\020n\\atest\\a\001

after which is it sent to victim's server.

When arriving on actor's side, the message

:victim NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\020n\\atest\\a\001

gets low-level dequoted into

:victim NOTICE actor :\001USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a\001

At this point, all CTCP replies get extracted, giving 1 CTCP reply and no normal NOTICE

USERINFO :CS student\n\\atest\\a

The remaining reply gets CTCP dequoted into

USERINFO :CS student\n\001test\001

and presumably displayed to user actor.

--- End of document.

Written for the DarkFire IRC network 1999
by S. Nielsen aka (Gizmo@darkfire.net)


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